Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year

Dear Friends this is just a quick note to tell you Happy New Year and that we hope you are having a wonderful Epiphany. We are currently getting our house ready to sell and raising money for our mission. So far we have had a great response. More and more Churches and individuals are committing to support our work in Namibia. During Epiphany we are asked to reflect on how we recognize the light that is Jesus and how this light spreads throughout the world and calls us to be disciples of light. Our mission is to a country that is 90% Christian. We are not sharing the gospel with people aho do not know it. Our mission is to support, encourage and serve our brothers and sisters. We all now that becoming a Christian is only the first step (although a very important one) in growing in a life of grace. We have been invited to come and share our gifts to help the Anglican Diocese of Namibia continue to grow in both breath and depth. The growth of a tree may be seen above ground, but unless its roots are deep it is at risk of falling. In the same way no church or diocese should be judged simply by its numerical size. Its fine to be large but we must also be deep. Epiphany Blessings, Jeremy+

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