Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why we are going to Namibia

These photos were forwarded to me last week from my friend The Rev. Lukas Katenda. They were sent to him from Nancy Robson at St. Mary's in Odibo. They were accompanied by an email thanking the young man who donated all the Beanie Babies and noting that only 5 or 6 of the children in these photos had ever had a toy of their own. These are the children of the Joy to the World Kindergarden in Onekweya. When we visited in last June we met many of these children and their teacher Sr. Gertrude. At that time she was the only teacher for 56 students. They had no books, and no toys but Sister Gertrude (pictured above) was doing her best to teach the children. They sang us songs and spoke to us in english. Many of these children are AIDS orphans from the nearby area. The latest estimate is that by next year when we move to Namibia there will be 100,000 orphans in the country. With a population of only 1.8 million that means that close to 6% of the population will be orphans.

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